Former Candidate
US Congress (FL4)

We must stand strong for conservative values and work to achieve goals that help improve the lives of all citizens.

I believe in low taxes, reducing the deficit, stopping rapid inflation, regaining our energy independence, securing our border, retaining funding of police to keep communities safe, protecting the benefits of seniors and veterans, ensuring our children receive the best education possible, upholding the integrity of our elections, defending our Constitutional freedoms, and standing firm in our values of faith and reason.

Primary Election: August 23, 2022
General Election: November 8, 2022

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Every child deserves a good education to help prepare them for their future. It's time we made changes to our educational system to ensure all children can reach their full potential based on their unique gifts and talents.


We need to support our businesses through low taxes and less bureaucracy so that they can offer more jobs and better paying jobs. We also need to partner with organizations that help give people the skills needed to obtain those jobs.


With the rising cost of living, especially housing, childcare, and healthcare, it is important for government to use free market economic policies to lower these costs so people are able to achieve their dreams in providing and caring for their family.

We must work to ensure all citizens have the ability to live happy, healthy, and financially stable lives, while upholding our individual pursuit of the American Dream.

Allow me to be a voice of reason who will defend our values of faith, freedom, opportunity, and country!

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